Julia Lampard, TreeHouse School and Ambitious About Autism
Project nominated for: Project Saplings and wider initiatives
Nominated by: Martin Girvan, Arcadis
Julia's nominator tell us why she was nominated:
To drive the project Julia has had to engage with so many different organisations to get planning,
funding, health and safety and license to operate from the school and the community, it was quite
a journey over many years.
She has inspired a wider change in how the school maintain their soft estate, realised the benefits of ecotherapy not just for the children but for the community and volunteers.
Julia has persevered over 5 years to get the project where it is despite many road blocks and this enthusiasm has spread to the school and the community with more and more volunteers.
All materials are reused and all created by hand, the space is being used for camping and learning outdoor skills as well as growing plants and engaging with and recording biodiversity.
Julia has gained so much knowledge which she has shared with her colleagues and has offered to share with other charities such as the Olive Branch in the creation of the Grenfell W11 Peace Gardens.
How Julia has gone the extra mile to enrich and enhance biodiversity on this project…
After initially starting with a more “gardening” approach, Julia has involved biodiversity specialists and the project has become more biodiversity and ecotherapy focused and has shared the benefits with other schools and biodiversity professionals. This has spread to the management practices of the soft estate of the main school including the organic practices. Julia’s plans are to continue improving the project and soft estate for biodiversity and to keep involving biodiversity specialists, the community, corporate volunteers and of course the pupils, she is also helping others to replicate this project which has the potential to transform the lives of so many people through biodiversity education and ecotherapy.