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 2022 BIG Biodiversity Challenge Award categories

The Awards aim to raise greater awareness of the importance of biodiversity and to demonstrate how biodiversity enhancements can be incorporated at different scales and on different projects. The awards aim to reward entries that go beyond normal business practice or planning and statutory obligations.


There are 8 award categories outlined below and each enhancement can entered for up to TWO categories. You can also find an example gallery for each category here. Judges will also select an overall winner for the enhancement that demonstrates an outstanding commitment to biodiversity. 



The categories:



Overall Winner 2022 - prize sponsored by


This year there are eight award categories. An overall winner will be chosen by the judging panel from the eight award category winners for the enhancement that demonstrates the most outstanding commitment to biodiversity.




Client-led Project Award - sponsored by


An enhancement from a client organisation, demonstrating a top down approach to delivering biodiversity on-site.

Organisations may range from developers to those responsible for the delivery of our energy, transport and water




Construction Phase Award - sponsored by 


An enhancement which takes place during the construction phase. Examples may include a green hording, temporary green wall or community engagement initiative.



Community Engagement Project Award - sponsored by 


An initiative which demonstrates the importance of engaging with, and understanding, biodiversity. This includes 

creating biodiversity champions in your organisation, or developing programmes that engage with the local


Habitat Creation: Project of the Year Award - sponsored by 

(Large scale biodiversity enhancement 5ha and above)


An enhancement that will have a long term positive impact on biodiversity after the construction process. Examples

may include infrastructure projects (energy, transport and water), mixed-use development or restoration of land

previously used for other purposes such as mineral extraction.



Habitat Creation: Project of the Year Award  - sponsored by 

(Small scale biodiversity enhancement of up to 5ha)

An improvement that will be long lasting after the construction process but is small scale. Examples may include

green roofs, green walls, rain gardens, hibernacula/nabitat restoration and planting.



Innovation Award - sponsored by 


In this category’s inaugural year, we are looking for successful, innovative and unusual projects, application of bespoke products and interventions, data collection, collation and sharing processes, as well as projects that successfully demonstrate unusual and alternative approaches to the normal. Interventions that demonstrate effective enhancement of biodiversity on construction projects with a lasting legacy that supports continual learning and improvement will be viewed most favourably. This is a category open to a wide range of interpretation and it the winning scheme will be selected at the judging panel’s discretion.



Biodiversity legacy Award - sponsored by 


An enhancement that demonstrates a long term commitment to improving biodiversity on-site. This may include collation of baseline data, monitoring impact of the intervention, the introduction of enhancement management plans and alternative approaches to maintenance schedules and planting policies.




Pollinator Award - sponsored by


An enhancement which safeguards and supports pollinators through the creation or protection of suitable habitat,

demonstrates the importance of their contribution to the biodiversity of our environment or raises awareness of

declines in the number, diversity and geographical ranges of pollinators. This award is inspired by DEFRA’s National

Pollinator Strategy. Examples could include wildflower planting, bee hotel or on-site pollinator awareness initiative.




Additional sponsorship opportunities

Bespoke packages are available so please contact to discuss further. 


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