Overall winner 2022 prize sponsored by:

Clifton Wastewater Treatment Works Integrated Constructed Wetland
Yorkshire Water, Stantec, Barhale Doosan JV
Judges' comments: The Judges were very impressed by the multiple benefits of this project. It has the potential to become a climate resilient solution that proves that water treatment can be achieved through nature-based solutions. It retains the green site as a green wetland and reduces carbon even more by not relying on concrete. Could it be a green solution in a challenging time for water treatment? Looking forward to the results of this ambitious project!

Client Award Winner sponsored by

Southwell Sewage Treatment Works​
Severn Trent Water
Judges' comments: The judges were impressed by the innovative use of nature-based solutions to tackle known problems (flies), along with a massive increase in Biodiversity Units. In addition to a long term commitment through a 30 year management plan, this project sets a highly replicable template- a well-deserved award!
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Client Award Highly Commended
How big is our biodiversity?: measuring the habitat opportunity on the railway estate
Network Rail ​
Judges' comments: Special mention for their high level of stakeholder engagement and for their monitoring strategy (baseline + snapshot in time). Looking forward to the upcoming results!
Find out more about this project

Community Engagement Award Winner sponsored by

Eddie and Ellie's Wild Adventures educational programme
Judges' comments: The judges found this project to be innovative, with a great intention behind it. Children’s engagement at primary school level is key to build biodiversity awareness. Thakeham Group’s target of 20% Biodiversity Net Gain adds a strong commitment to biodiversity.

Community Engagement Award Highly Commended
Nature on your doorstep ​
Barratt Developments, RSPB​
Judges' comments: Special mention for the impressive online engagement around biodiversity. Looking forward to see how the campaign will impact delivery of biodiversity over time.

Community Engagement Award Highly Commended
The Rosehill Rebels
Brighton & Hove City Council ​
Judges' comments: Special mention for their engagement within their nursing home to nurture biodiversity and improve the wellbeing of the residents during lockdown and beyond.

Habitat Creation: Project of the Year Award Winner sponsored by:
(Large - medium scale biodiversity enhancement 5ha and above)
Caddington Woods
Judges' comments: The judges felt this scheme has great long term considerations, good options for replicability, and good permeability for wildlife. The high Biodiversity Net Gain shows strong biodiversity values from the developer. The partnership in place and the excellent engagement with the community makes it a strong winner. It was great to see that the financial requirements of maintaining the site were considered for the long term.

Habitat Creation: Project of the Year Award Highly Commended:
(Large - medium scale biodiversity enhancement 5ha and above)
Making Space for Nature ​
Cormac Solutions Ltd​
Judges' comments: Special mention for the impressive scope of their project and excellent consideration of biodiversity values within the public realm, as well as a strong community focus and ongoing management considerations.

Habitat Creation: Project of the Year Award Winner sponsored by:
(small scale biodiversity enhancement of up to 5ha)
Zed House
Barratt Developments
Judges' comments: The judges were very impressed by the replicability of this concept house, and the scale it could be rolled out at. Biodiversity details were well though-out, like nesting bricks for example.

Habitat Creation: Project of the Year Award Highly Commended:
(small scale biodiversity enhancement of up to 5ha)
Roundhay Park Lane Combined Sewer Overflow water quality improvement​
Mott MacDonald Bentley ​
Judges' comments: Special mention for maximising the multiple benefits of a blue-green infrastructure: SuDS addressing flood risk while improving water quality and preserving an ancient woodland.

Habitat Creation: Project of the Year Award Highly Commended:
(small scale biodiversity enhancement of up to 5ha)
The Rosehill Rebels ​
Brighton & Hove City Council ​
Judges' comments: Special mention regarding efforts to include biodiversity through simple activities.

Innovation Award Winner sponsored by:

Clifton Wastewater Treatment Works Integrated Constructed Wetland
Yorkshire Water, Stantec, Barhale Doosan JV
Judges' comments: The judges felt this scheme was exceptional for its multifunctionality – the way it has considered biodiversity alongside carbon reductions, visual amenity, community engagement, and – of course – water management. Many nice touches, including the use of clay as a surround, the lack of chemical use, etc. all contributed towards an excellent scheme. As the first of its kind in the UK it is a genuinely innovative approach (as far as we’re aware), in the context of a highly-regulated, risk-averse environment. We felt it deserved to win the innovation award because it was an intervention we would like to see the rest of the sector learn from and adopt where appropriate. Although there were opportunities to improve the scheme itself (e.g. with bolder or more varied planting) as a vanguard test-bed site, we understood the approach taken.

Golborne Wetlands
J Murphy & Sons​
Judges' comments: The judges were impressed by the very good legacy of this project as it shows (to students as outdoor education) the values of nature-based solution. Judges hope it will be set a template and be replicated elsewhere along with ecological management plans. The social responsibility of educating the young in tandem with improving biodiversity makes it a strong winner. Congratulations!

Biodiversity Legacy Award Winner sponsored by:
Biodiversity Legacy Award Highly Commended
Ridgegrove Park, Launceston
Cormac Solutions Ltd​
Judges' comments: Special mention for connecting housing to the village using a nature-based solution.

Biodiversity Legacy Award Highly Commended
River Seaton Valley Restoration
Cornwall Council, Cormac Solutions Ltd and Environment Agency​
Judges' comments: Special mention for identifying the value of nature-based solutions rather than the usual ‘grey’ solution. Plus- a strong acknowledgement of irreplaceable habitat.

Pollinator Award Winner sponsored by
Bee focus year
HR Wallingford​
Judges' comments: Judges were pleased to see partnership working within this project. The interventions described have excellent consideration for enhancements. These created good opportunities for public engagement, the judges were impressed by the outreach done. The project is a brilliant example of what can be achieved for biodiversity within a business park. Great work! The selection of this topic to focus on was encouraging, and the investment of time applauded, with the use of specialist organisation support to give it longer term benefits.

Construction Phase Award Winner sponsored by

Holbein Gardens
Grosvenor, Blenheim House Construction and Vertical Meadow
Judges' comments: The use of bees as biodiversity and pollution indicators has the potential to deliver meaningful results over time and at a scale not feasible to provide with regular surveys. The project sought to humanise the urban landscape by the creation of spaces for residents. The ultimate aim of providing facilities was well thought through and combined with a positive benefit for biodiversity.